August is Psoriasis Awareness Month and we’re here to educate you on this condition and to help you treat it.
What is Psoriasis?
Chances are that you or someone you know has psoriasis as it affects 2 in 100 people. Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin condition that causes the skin cells to build up too rapidly. It can significantly impact people’s quality of life. Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that waxes and wanes. It can affect small areas such as the scalp or cover large areas of the body. The skin will typically have red dry patches often with thick white scales.
Treating Psoriasis
While there is still no cure for psoriasis, there are many treatments now ranging from topical medications to light therapy and oral pills to injections. These treatments have advanced tremendously in the last ten and even five years, helping many people who are suffering.
Psoriatic Arthritis
Psoriasis can also be associated with a form of arthritis, called psoriatic arthritis. It is important to recognize if you have symptoms of this arthritis because treatments can be different than for other forms of psoriasis, and it is critical to prevent damage that may not be reversible if ignored. About a quarter of people with psoriasis can develop psoriatic arthritis, at any time or age, and it makes no difference how much psoriasis you have.
If you or a friend or loved one is suffering from psoriasis, let us help go over the treatment options and decide what can improve your life!