What are sun spots?

Sun spots are tan to brown freckle-like marks that are caused by excessive sun exposure. They commonly appear on the face, chest, shoulders, and arms because those areas of the body that can get the most sun. Ultraviolet (UV rays) accelerate the production of melanin, which gives skin its brown pigmentation. Sun spots result from overactive pigment cells and melanin being grouped together in higher concentrations.

If you do notice an unusual brown spot or changing spot on your skin, schedule an appointment with DermPhysicians of New England for a skin cancer evaluation.

What is melasma?

Melasma is a common skin condition in which tan brown patches develop on the face. Melasma most often forms on the forehead, upper cheeks, and upper lip area, which can get a lot of sun exposure. It can also result from hormonal changes, such as pregnancy or from birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy. Sun will worsen melasma, no matter what the original cause.

Treating sun spots

The providers at DermPhysicians of New England rely on non-surgical, non-invasive treatments for unwanted pigmentation. We provide:

When you come in for you initial consultation, we will assess your skin and create an effective treatment plan. Let us develop an individualized skincare regimen for you!

Request an appointment

If you have sun spots or pigmentation on your face or body that you’d like to evaluate or reduce, schedule an appointment at our office. To get started, request an appointment online or give us a call at (781) 272-7022.

Explore common services we offer to treat Sun Spots:

* Individual results may vary; not a guarantee.

Call us at (781) 272-7022 or request below.

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We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
(781) 272-7022