This month’s blog is dedicated to the man or men in your life! That could be a father, husband, boyfriend, son or just a guy you care enough about to listen to him talk about his possible skin woes! Men may not have all the practice and knowledge that women do when it comes to methods and products…so help them out!

During the pandemic, many men decided to grow a pandemic beard- for good or bad. 😂 Whether someone has had a beard in the past or never had one, many men don’t actually know how to properly take care of one! Studies have shown how much bacteria, and well, frankly, you don’t want to know, collects in men’s beards. 🧔 The right skincare regimen can help prevent beard skin irritation, dandruff and acne.

Here are some tips:

* Wash face and beard every day with a gentle cleanser to remove dirt, germs, pollution and skin debris buildup.

  • Bar soaps can be too drying and leave more residue.
  • If skin at baseline tends to run dry or easily sensitive, then using a hydrating cleanser such as La Roche Posay gentle cleanser or Cerave hydrating cleanser.
  • Gently massage the cleanser into the beard in circular motions.
  • Use cool or lukewarm water, not hot.
  • Pat dry the face, rubbing can cause unnecessary irritation.

* Moisturize the skin, including the beard area!

  • Skin underneath the beard needs the same attention and hydration.
  • This also helps keep the beard hairs softer.
  • Moisturizer is best applied immediately after washing to maximize absorption.

* A beard conditioner or oil can be used to help keep the hair less prickly, but this is best avoided if skin is prone to acne or razor bumps.

* For breakouts in the beard area (folliculitis or acne), using an over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide wash or a glycolic cleanser up to once daily can help manage those.

  • These washes can be drying so it is best to start every other day and work up slowly.

* When trimming or shaving a beard, it is best to apply a shaving cream or gel, otherwise, an electric razor might be least irritating or cause fewer razor bumps.

  • Change a razor every 5 shaves.
  • Shave in the direction of the hair growth to avoid ingrown hairs.

And last but not least, touching or stroking facial hair can transfer a lot of germs and dirt, so hands off! Whether we are talking about a full-face beard grown all pandemic long, or a teenager starting to get into a shaving routine, we at DermPhysicians of New England can help create a good routine or address any facial hair or skin issues!

Call us at (781) 272-7022 or request below.

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(781) 272-7022